Christies Beach
This is a very nice spot on the Murray River in Victoria on the New South Wales border and is near Echuca in Victoria.
We’ve been there before and while there were quite a number of other campers it seemed like a nice spot. Well worth visiting again when it was a bit quieter and without as much boat and jet-ski traffic on the river.
That’s how it turned out. The spot we went to was almost deserted and we saw a grand total of two boats over the three days we were there.
Looking up the river.

And another pic looking down the river.

And here’s a Google Map showing where it is.
The stay
While we were there we managed to do a grand total of nothing apart from watch the river go by and read. It did rain on our second day and because the ground was hard pack clay it got as slippery as an oil slick – just standing up was hard work. While it was raining we were treated to a thunder and lightning storm which was quite something. Fortunately the rain wasn’t too heavy and there wasn’t a lot of it. It all dried out pretty well during the next day which was quite warm and sunny. We even had a nice sunset to top it off.

I even managed to get bitten by one of these buggers…

Time to leave
Seeing as we had stayed for a few days it meant that everything had been unpacked so we had a fair bit of packing to do. If we had stayed in a caravan park we would have needed to have left by 10:00am but becauseĀ wwe were “Bush Camping” there was no such restriction. We took our time and were away a bit before 12:00 noon.
The drive home as pretty boring as it usually is when a lot of highway / freeway is involved and we were soon enough starting to wrestle with the Melbourne traffic as we crossed town and headed towards Moe.
All in all a good, albeit brief, trip away for a relaxing few days.
Very peaceful and beautiful, Mark. Thanks for sharing!