So when I use the Pi to watch movies on our TV it tends to get a bit hot under the collar – up to around 81 or 83degC. Something needed to be done about that state of affairs so I installed it in a heatsink case with fans.

Much better. No matter what I do I can’t get the temperature over 55degC.
While I was at it I decided to go with the 64 bit kernel so I added arm_64bit=1 to config.txt so now uname -a gives me :-
Linux markpi 4.19.75-v8+ #1270 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 24 18:59:17 BST 2019 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Everything still works as it should – Apache2, PHP, MySQL and VLC which we use a lot for movies, tv series, etc.
The next step is a TV HAT or a TV USB dongle – probably the dongle as that won’t mean messing around with GPIO standoffs, etc to get it to fit with the heatsink.